¿What is Vision Cylinders?
Vision Cylinders is the new line of LPG composite cylinders category 4, with his new state of art plant to meet market demand on Caribbean & Latin-American countries.
Step up safety level, maintenance cost reduction, longer lifetime in heavy duty condition, positioning composite technology as the most efficiency solution, improving & updating new standars by Technical Committees worldwide.
Cylinder Components
Cylindrical thread ISO 26 x 1.5-6h allow to be firmly installed on composite cylinder, but it isn't required high torque to seal it. An elastomeric o-ring system allow to seal it. An elastomeric o-ring system allow to seal the internal plastic liner where the LPG is contained. Due to the fact that plastic liner is made of HDPE, valve use a deflector to reduce the risk of static charge during filling process on cylinder. A safety valve is integrated to release any pressure above 20 Bar (375 PSI) for same propose.
Protective Plastic Cover:
Made in HDPE, with UV Protection. Two (2) parts construction: the top & the basket. Both parts are assembled with the composite cylinder, allowing easy handle, transportation & resistant to environment.
Reinforced Plastic Cylinder:
The plastic liner is reinforced by filament winding process. Fiber glass impregnated with epoxy resin is wrapped around all geometry of the liner where it had been weld the neck & the valve will be installed.
The principle of cylinder is like the tire of a bike, with an inflated chamber of air (the tube). Composite technology allow to reduce dramatically the weight of the cylinder up to 50% compared with steel ones.